Our Team

Headquartered along the Front Range of the Rockies in Northern Colorado, Wilderness Financial LLC is an independent financial advisory practice. Heather Morgan Anderson, Founder and President, serves clients across Colorado and other states. 

For 15 years, Heather has been helping clients with their financial-life plans, investment and insurance strategies. Her style is highly personalized and goal-focused; a doable, step-by-step approach. Her background managing nuclear and technology quality programs and customer service centers helps her create engaging and effective planning and business processes.

Community-focused, Heather served 3 years on the board of the Carbon Valley Chamber of Commerce. For 6 years, she was an active member of The Longmont Symphony Orchestra Guild, and served as publicity chair for Longmont's Annual Garden Tour.

At present, Heather's time is best spent being very present for her clients, family (husband Robert, special needs stepson, aging parents) and friends. As time allows, she accepts pro bono cases and helps her communities through select non-profits.

Raised at the feet of the rockies, in beautiful Boulder, Colorado, Heather loves hiking, snowshoeing, kayaking, and road trip adventures in Robert's hotroded classic pickups. Between her active teen stepson with high-functioning cerebral palsy and one parent in skilled care, she gets "the sandwich generation!" When not at the office, with the family or her terrier "Dot," recreating outdoors, Heather enjoys socializing, coffee, carb-conscious cooking and dining, photography, art, writing, travel, history, theology, church and community activities.

Contact: 720-500-2602        Email        Schedule Now

We've found a Team Approach adds broader and deeper perspective to what we do, continually strengthening our benefit to our clients. 

In general, practices with strong back office operational support weather economic, regulatory and industry changes better.

Our teaming arragements also allow for smooth business continuation and succession plans in the event of an incapacity, death, eventually, the partial or full retirement of a Senior Advisor. We have continuity plans in place for the practice, updated annually.

We're pleased to introduce you to our operational support partners:


Click through to meet LPL Financial:

For over 30 years, LPL has been supporting independent financial advisors run successful practices focused on always doing what is right for their clients. For years, LPL has been the largest independent broker/dealer in the country,* now supporting more than 16,000 financial advisors, as reported in Financial Plannng magazine June 1996-2020, based on total revenues.

LPL offers Wilderness Financial sophisticated capabilities and expertise beyond operational and compliance support: advanced technologies, planning consulting and trust services; self-clearing, streamlined investment platforms - strong support for serving planning clients, investors and insureds effectively, through time.  

In a nutshell, LPL takes care of your advisor, so your advisor can take care of  - you. 


JFC Advisory Network

Wilderness Financial appreciates this robust nationwide community of independent advisors on a collective mission is to guide successful families to financial confidence using comprehensive wealth strategies. Through JFC's staff, our firm benefits from back-office process support, research, best practices. This creates more time with and enhanced services for our clients.

You are the reason we're all here... We're glad you're here!

Wilderness Financial, JFC Advisory Network, and LPL Financial are seperate entities, working together - for you.